Dr. 阿德琳娜·库珀,爆头
Dr. 阿德琳娜·库珀,爆头

Dr. Adelina库珀

Associate Professor and Chair, 视觉艺术与媒体系

从课堂到实习, 实习, 学生团体和留学, an education from Mount Union isn't just in the classroom anymore.


B.A. 阿克伦大学公共关系专业 
M.A. 阿克伦大学传媒专业 
Ph.D. 俄亥俄州立大学


I think I stumbled on a career in media. When I was in the Army I ended up working in public affairs because I had a camera, and I started writing and shooting photos for the post newspaper at Fort Knox. The first time I saw my name on a photo I shot and a story I wrote, I was hooked. 然后, 几年后, I was working on my MA and teaching a news writing course when I saw one of my students graduate. 这更有力量. Something about the combination of the two experiences pointed me towards pursuing a Ph.D. 最后是教学.


When I volunteered to work for several animal rescue and shelter organizations, 我开始对非营利组织感兴趣, 他们的政治行动, and how they compete with each other for resources. I try to bring my experience with non-profits into my classroom and use that research as an example of how organizations use social media to communicate with stakeholders. 我也教研究方法论, so I'm able to bring my experience with qualitative and quantitative research into the classroom that way too.


When I see students make a connection with the concepts we've been studying, and then watching them apply that knowledge in other courses is the favorite part of my job. I also love the fact that I'm a life-long learner and being a professor allows me to explore new ideas. The media field is constantly changing--especially social media--and keeping up with it is a challenge.


Mount Union offers students a wide variety of educational choices. 从课堂到实习, 实习, 学生团体, 出国留学, an education from Mount Union isn't just in the classroom anymore.

在Mount Union教学

I love the small class size and the way faculty get to know their students. At 俄亥俄州立大学, with its focus on research, students and teaching felt secondary. At Mount Union, the emphasis for faculty is on teaching.


Integrated Media combines courses in media studies and production. Students think about the way media affect our lives as well as creating content that can include anything ranging from a YouTube channel to small branded shorts, 创意短片, 和纪录片. Our student work has won several national awards, and our student films are shown at local and national film festivals. Our graduates find work with production companies, 在社交媒体上, 当地机构, and one of our alums is even a field producer for The John Oliver Show.